在華倫報告中閱讀消息「魔女迪妮芙的商店」後,特定日子。到訪城鎮將會出現迪妮芙的商店,可以購買某些咒文書、觸媒及道具,還可以雇用澤諾比亞人。 要大魔女加入的話,需要先在巴斯克村戰鬥過關;在迪妮芙的店中購買各類晶球各5個。之後出現對話選項選擇「沒關係的」,要在她商店裡賣出9種龍才會有晶球賣(每隻龍只能得到2個晶球,所以需要9X3=27隻龍>.<),迪妮芙將會作為臨時成員加入;再在巴斯克村觸發戦鬥,迪妮芙正式加入。 另外,在購買各類晶球完成前在店中賣出30個水晶南瓜(ガラスのかぼちゃ)後>.<,迪妮芙將以隱藏職業大魔女加入,大魔女之証可以再到迪妮芙的商店買到,只是看店的是南瓜頭。 |
4章に入ったらウォーレンレポートのニュースにて「魔女デネブのお店」を読んだ後に、特定の日付・場所のショップを訪問するとデネブのお店となっている。デネブのお店では通常とは少し違う呪文書・触媒などが買える,ユニット雇用では出店場所に関わらずゼノビア人が出現するようになる。 ウォーレンレポートで「魔女デネブのお店」を読み、バスク村のイベント戦をクリアする。デネブのお店で9種のオーブをそれぞれ5個ずつ購入すると、店を出る時にイベント発生。「いやいや、何を言ってるんですか。」を選ぶとゲストとして加入。バスク村での戦闘。クリア後加入。 「ガラスのカボチャ」を30個売ってから仲間にすると、デネブのクラスが「うぃっち」で加入となり、うぃっち転職証の「魔女ッコの証」がデネブの店で売り出される。 |
In Chapter 4, read the Talk topic Deneb's Emporium in the Warren Report. You can visit the shop at specific date and location. It sells special spell book, reagents and items, and you can hire Xenobia. To recruit her as a Witch, you must unlock the village of Vasque by beginning the Palace of the Dead sidequest and fighting until you clear the battle there. Then purchase 5 elemental orbs of each kind from her shop; the trouble is that these elemental orbs are only available by auctioning off dragons of each elemental type. Once you've done this, she will talk to you. Answer her No. Let's hear it, and she will join your party as a guest to pursue the rogue Punkin. Go to the village of Vasque and you will have to fight a Wicce named Punkin, accompanied by a bevy of Pumpkinhead Familiars. Defeat Punkin while keeping Deneb alive, and Deneb will place Punkin in charge of her shop and join your army. To recruit her as Wicce, you must sell 30 Glass Pumpkins to Deneb BEFORE buying the last of the elemental orbs to begin her sidequest. When she joins your party as a guest, she will be a Witch, but when she joins permanently she will be a Wicce, the same as Punkin. Glass Pumpkins are rare drops from Familiars in the Palace of the Dead; the easiest way to harvest them is to repeatedly kill two particular Familiars on B1 of the Palace of the Dead. This will probably take anywhere from two hours (if you're incredibly lucky) to ten or so (if you're not). |
商店出現日子及城鎮 店出現日付・場所 Deneb's Shop | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
商品 アイテム Items | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
魔女迪妮芙的商店 魔女デネブのお店 Deneb's Shop
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