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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
MERCURE: Denam of Golyat, is it? Are your ranks so bare that you must lead your armies yourself? Cut off the head, and the body dies. Today will be your last! [Denam takes the charge uphill.] MERCURE: Pity those foolish enough to follow you, boy. Today they will learn the folly of a frontal assault! It will be too late to beg for your lives once the Dark Knights arrive! [They cannot hold further and Phidoch is breached.] MERCURE: If we have failed...then...there is no stopping them. |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
VESTIARRI: Stand proud, warriors of Bakram! Our enemy may not wield torches and scythes, but they are a mob! Focus your attacks on their commander, and they will wither before us! To battle! [Denam takes the charge uphill.] VESTIARRI: Just a little longer before the Loslorien host arrives to relieve us! Hold, for the glory of Bakram, hold! [They continue to fight.] VESTIARRI: What takes them so long? Surely Loslorien has not abandoned us! DENAM: I don't see any Dark Knights riding from the castle. The rift between the two forces must be wide indeed. [They cannot hold any further and Phidoch is breached.] VESTIARRI: Hold the line...! Hold... [Denam quickly enters the keep.] |
劇情簡介 |
日月評點 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
BALXEPHON: You're certain? It was Hobyrim? OZMA: I know who I saw. And a wretched sight he was. BALXEPHON: Of course. I did not mean to doubt you. OZMA: You told me he was dead - taken ill in the dungeons of B'Landone. BALXEPHON: Indeed. He was given a funerary rights - a meager ceremony befitting a criminal, but even so. OZMA: So you bore witness to his corpse. Perhaps I was mistaken after all. BALXEPHON: As I have said. OZMA: I want to believe you, but I cannot deny what I saw. [Oz enters.] OZ: Not interrupting, am I? BALXEPHON: A private matter. No concern of yours. OZ: Now now, Balxephon. That's no way to speak to the brother of your betrothed. BALXEPHON: Brother or no, I am your commander. If you've business with me, I would hear it. OZ: Our front line is breached. It's only a matter of time before Phidoch falls. BALXEPHON: So the Bakram were not enough to hold them after all. Ozma, take a detachment of men and leave the castle. Oz and I will delay them as long as we can. OZMA: Oh? Am I to flee like the thrush before the storm? BALXEPHON: Nothing of the sort. You are to guard the high champion. OZMA: Of course. He and the princess must be kept safe. BALXEPHON: You have your orders. Go! OZMA: As you say. [She starts to leave.] BALXEPHON: Ozma - we'll continue this later. OZMA: ... |
劇情簡介 |
日月評點 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
DENAM: Not a soul.... Hnn? [Catiua, garbed in unfamiliar clothing, steps out of the shadows.] DENAM: Catiua!? What are you doing here? CATIUA: Come to my rescue? What a good brother you are! [Without a pause she lunges at Denam forcing him down the steps.] DENAM: What are you doing!? VOICE: Ah. There you are, Catiua. DENAM: Lanselot!? [The Dark Knight Lanselot comes down and joins Catiua.] LANSELOT: It's dangerous here. We're leaving the castle. Come with me. [Catiua takes his side as Balxephon and Oz arrive.] BALXEPHON: Everything is in order, my lord. Come, you'd best be on your way. LANSELOT: Of course. BALXEPHON: Ozma awaits you without. Oz and I will handle this. LANSELOT: See that you do. DENAM: Catiua! [Oz steps forward.] OZ: You must be Denam. It was an ill turn you did my sister at Rhime. LANSELOT: We must be going, Catiua. [Lanselot and Catiua flee.] BALXEPHON: The whelp has grown. Let's see how much! [They fight within the halls of the castle.] BALXEPHON: I like what I see, boy! You're determined, with a good eye and a steady sword hand. Not to mention the notches in your blade! To think you've killed my captain, my liege...and all those at Balmamusa. Why, I might even consider letting you minister here in Valeria. In our name, of course. DENAM: Don't waste your breath telling me of the stains on my shield. I know them all too well. But know that I will not let Lodis take these isles. Her peoples will not abide you! BALXEPHON: And I see you are at peace with your own baser nature! Marvelous! One could hardly ask for more in a ruler. For who can deceive others who cannot deceive himself? No. We cannot dwell upon our missteps along the path to domination. A bit of repentance, a touch of regret, perhaps. But do not shed a tear for the watches - let their wounds weep for them. These things we do are necessary. The pruning of ill-formed branches, that our children might enjoy the fruits of our labors, yes? this is the heart of the conqueror! This is you! [After a moment the Dark Knight notices someone.] BALXEPHON: What are you doing here, Hobyrim!? Come to repay my mercy with murder? HOBYRIM: That voice.... Well met, Balxephon! Though, I am puzzled by this talk of mercy. Was it mercy robbed me of my sight? Mercy that killed our father? BALXEPHON: You've traveled a long road for your revenge, brother. You question my mercy? In truth I question it myself! I gave you the chance to begin anew, and you tread the same old tired steps back to where you began. [Oz reaches Denam.] OZ: You, boy! I owe you thanks for showing such hospitality to my sister. DENAM: His sister? The Dark Knight! The resemblance is striking. OZ: Ah, but how best to thank you? A meal perhaps? I'm quite the chef, you know. I'll tell you my secret. Preparation is everything. A silver fork, a silver knife.... First I'll cut off both your arms, run the left through with the fork, and the right with the knife. I believe. And for the soup, molten lead goes down best. I'll slice your neck and pour it down your throat, so there'll be no need for spoon. Then, I think, a thin cut of flesh from your back. Raw. Bleeding. You like steak, no? And next - BALXEPHON: Enough, Oz! This is no time for your games. [Oz dies first.] OZ: Feh, this could have gone better. Perhaps it's time for a change in tactics? DENAM: Fleeing, you coward? They say the feeblest hound barks the loudest, and now I see it to be true. OZ: I should have your tongue out for that! BALXEPHON: Oz!? OZ: Th-this...was not supposed to happen. BALXEPHON: Fool! You never did know when to retreat...and now it has cost you. As it will cost you, boy! [He gets wounded.] BALXEPHON: You have wounded my flesh and spat upon my honor this day, wretch of Golyat! You will pay thricefold for this when your time comes. Mark my words! [He flees.] [Balxephon falls first.] BALXEPHON: I think we've won ourselves time enough. The moment is ripe for our departure. We've held out as long as we can, Oz! OZ: Go on, Balxephon! I will buy you time. BALXEPHON: And throw away your own life in the bargain? I won't allow it! [He flees.] OZ: What have you done, boy! This...was...unexpected. Sister, help. Help...me. [Denam and the Resistance continue their fight within Phidoch while Denam questions his sister's actions.] DENAM: Why, Catiua...why? VOICE: I may deceive others...but never myself. Though at times, the temptation is all too great. |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
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