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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
KNIGHT: It's colder than a witch's teat. We'll not find trouble out here. SOLDIER: I'd sooner be back in Brigantys, m'self. KNIGHT: Quit your griping. We have a patrol to finish. SOLDIER: Beggin' your pardons, Sir Hektor. I weren't doin' no gripin', honest. HEKTOR: Easy, lad. Wh wouldn't rather be home in front of a roaring fire, eh? KNIGHT: What is it brings you out all this way, lord commander? HEKTOR: I'm no lord. Just a common solider [sic], like yourselves. I was ordered to hold Brigantys, and this I have done. KNIGHT: You were ever a loyal follower of House Orlandeau. Still, a man like you, serving under Xaeobs.... It's a disgrace. HEKTOR (intensely): I'll string you from the gallows myself if you speak of the high commander like that again! KNIGHT: Of-of course! Forgive me, sir. HEKTOR: A knight's first duty is to liege and kingdom. My father, Sir Briam, taught me this, as his father, Sir Cornelius, taught him. Perhaps you think these age-worn vows bind us, but it is in times such as these that their true worth becomes clear. KNIGHT: Forgive me, Sir Hektor. I spoke out of turn - HEKTOR: Rouse yourselves! The enemy is upon us! [The Galgastani troops turn to find Denam truding through the falling snow.] DENAM: I didn't think to encounter Galgastani scouts so far afield. HEKTOR: We haven't come all this way for naught, then. To arms! [They do battle atop the ice.] HEKTOR: I am Hektor Didarro, son of Briam, Knight of Galgastan. Speak your name, Walister! DENAM: I am Denam Pavel of the Order of Goldscale. HEKTOR: The butcher of Golyat. Your infamies precede you. You're to be commended. Few Walister have tread so deep into these lands. But you'll not reach Brigantys on our watch! [They continue to fight.] HEKTOR: Your hand is unsteady, Denam of Golyat. Is it knowledge of what you've done that weighs on you? Or knowledge of what you will do? DENAM: Who are you to question me? How many have you slain, creature of Balgatos!? HEKTOR: Fair enough. Only think not that all of Galgastan's knights gloried in doing as we were bid. Duty, honor, loyalty...a knight is nothing without these. I could not break the oath I swore to Galgastan. DENAM: Then cast down your sword and surrender! It's Balbatos we're after! HEKTOR: No matter how futile my struggle, I'll never surrender. I will not break the vows I swore to my kingdom. I will not bring disgrace upon my house! Fate ordained our meeting. To do less than fight to the end is to dishonor those who've fallen! [Denam pushes their number back.] HEKTOR: The tide turns.... We withdraw! I'll be waiting for you at Brigantys, Denam! [He flees.] |
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