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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
ROBERVAL: Wish they'd sent us to fight at Psonji. Beats a supply run to Brigantys at any rate. [The weather takes a turn.] ROBERVAL: And now it snows. Bad to worse, eh? Who's there? DENAM: Galgastan outriders.... More swift than I expected. ROBERVAL: Walister? In these god-forgotten lands? They must have crossed the Brigania Flats. DENAM: Troops on their way to resupply Brigantys, by the look. They must not know the castle has already fallen. [They fight.] ROBERVAL: The roads to Asyton are shut off, and we'd have heard if Asyton had fallen. Could this rabble have taken Brigantys!? Impossible! Sir Hektor would never surrender the castle! DENAM: Balbatos has not taken notice of us - a rare stroke of luck. JEUNAN: Sir Hektor's doing, Denam. DENAM: Sir Hektor? Why? JEUNAN: He has no love for Balbatos. But you know Sir Hektor - loyal to fault. He and his father both. They would never oppose Balbatos openly. When you arrived at Brigantys, he understood your true purpose. He and his father set in motion a plan to ease your way. DENAM: What plan? JEUNAN: Sir Hektor and Sir Briam made certain word of your approach would not reach Coritanae. They even ordered the garrison's force divided, else your siege of Brigantys would never have succeeded. House Didarro values loyalty and honor above all else, so none doubted their intentions. DENAM: Why not join our cause outright? JEUNAN: For one thing, they did not know if you were a worthy ally or just another would-be duke. For another, they hold their honor too dear. They could not openly betray their lord. DENAM: Sir Hektor let us take the castle? JEUNAN: Aye, and his life. I am sure that by now, his father, Sir Briam, joins him - DENAM: What!? [They focus on the Galgastani at hand.] ROBERVAL: Never should've come to this...blasted place... DENAM: Balbatos must fall, or they died for nothing. |
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