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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
ANDORAS: Denam of Golyat! So it's true! I had forgotten how invigorating the battlefield could be. I'm too long slinking about in the shadows. Come to storm Barnicia Castle and rescue the Princess fair? You may find her a somewhat...unwilling companion. Ha ha! [Denam assaults the Dark Knight force.] ANDORAS: I confess, I am surprised to see you fighting on the front lines. DENAM: This is no errand to leave to another. I am not come to abduct a Princess - I mean to persuade my sister to leave! ANDORAS: And if I told you the princess was not in Barnicia Castle? That this was a ruse to lure you out? DENAM: A lie! Our men risked their lives to glean her location. Yet even if their reports were false, it would change nothing. It is you and the rest of the Dark Knights in Barnicia Castle who are our enemies, not the Bakram! ANDORAS: You still have much to learn, Denam of Golyat. Such trust in your friends, such devotion to your cause, such love for your sister. Your reckless credulity may be your most endearing quality. [They continue to fight.] CANOPUS: The tone of your skin, the line of your jaw.... A Bolmoccan? ANDORAS: A winged from Xenobia.... You can only be Canopus. CANOPUS: I'm surprised to see a Bolmoccan slave at the head of a Dark Knight army. Your bearing marks you as a member of the Nildahme royal house, or what's left of it. Lodis brought ruin on your kingdom, yet here you are, serving them on bended knee. ANDORAS: What of it? CANOPUS: Do you bear no loyalty for your fatherland? How can you fight beside those who destroyed your home? How can you aid them as they visit their sins upon another? If you had any honor at all, you'd put a dagger to their throats, or failing that, your own. ANDORAS: A fine speech, Canopus. The same one you delivered to Gilbald when Peshaval fell? How amusing! I think I'm growing to like you, bird man. CANOPUS: So that's the way of it! You fancy yourself in Gilbald's place? You pretend yourself a slave to protect your people, whom Lodis holds hostage? ANDORAS: Ha! It's you who's taken with wild fancies. Your guilt over Gilbald clouds your thoughts. CANOPUS: You mean to say your allegiance to Lodis is heartfelt? ANDORAS: You have me exact. I care nothing for my fatherland. I spare not a thought for my people. It is fortune who brought down our royal house, already decaying from within. Slavery is a fitting bounty for the people of Nildahme! CANOPUS: Rotten to the core, you! A fool I was to look on you and see Gilbald. ANDORAS: Then you should have no qualms about fighting me, eh? [Andoras recognizes a member of Denam's force.] ANDORAS: Enjoying your time afield, Ozma? I'd be interested in hearing which you prefer: This, or the Dark Knights. OZMA: What am I to make of that? That you wish to desert Loslorien? ANDORAS: A slave does not bear the burden of choice. I serve at the Dark Knights' pleasure. OZMA: I'm glad you know your place. You are Sir Lanselot's man now, body and soul. There is no future for you or your people that he does not command. ANDORAS: Spoken like a true daughter of House Glacius. My people are fortunate to have such fine figures watching over them. OZMA: I see it now. You play the part of the tragic prince - and well! Closing your eyes when it suits your purposes, always a caustic word on your lips. It was never about your people, was it? It's about you. ANDORAS: The Nildahme were doomed from the start. Once the invasion had begun, there was nothing I could have done to stop it. Yet though my homeland has perished, I defend her people to this day! OZMA: A convenient stance, to be sure. What possible quality did I see in you, Andoras? 'Tis a mystery to me now. ANDORAS: And to think Balxephon wants to marry this woman. Or perhaps it is only that he wants to marry a daughter of House Glacius. OZMA: I'd hold my tongue, were I you, lest it slip and reveal your cowardice. [Denam and company wound Andoras.] ANDORAS: Enough of this. I've done my duty to Lodis here. DENAM: I hope you're not thinking of leaving! ANDORAS: I admire your spirit, boy! Can't wait to see what happens once you take Barnicia! DENAM: What? You think this a game!? [Andoras gives no answer and flees.] |
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