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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
DERAIN: You're bold to attack our front gates. Or perhaps merely foolish. [They fight and the guard recognizes his foe.] DERAIN: Ozma of Loslorien? Could it be? What is she doing with those rebels!? Lord Tartaros remains at his excellency's side, does he not? Or...has Lodis betrayed us!? [The battle rages.] DERAIN: They put up a good fight...but we must persevere! Let the gates fall, as long as the enemy falls with them. Lessen their numbers and we will ease Sir Latimer's task! Sir Latimer...this passes to you, now! |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
VERMADO: The Almoricans are a fearsome foe. We are like to be overwhelmed. If you value your life above honor, leave now, and I will look the other way. [None of his soldiers move.] VERMADO: I'll not offer again. [Still they remain steadfast.] VERMADO: Good. You do the Knights of Bakram proud. If we are to die this day, let our deaths be glorious! [They labor to defend their keep.] DENAM: Knights of Bakram! Sheathe your swords. We have no wish to see you die. Surrender, and let us put this senseless bloodshed behind us. VERMADO: No doubt you're right. Surrendering would spare much blood on both sides. But honor demands we fight to the last! [Vermado and his troops indeed hold to their honor.] VERMADO: Glory...to the knights of Bakram... |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
HALPHAS: Hold them here! We can't let them into the castle! [They fight and recognize their foes.] HALPHAS: A Loslorien Knight marches with the Resistance - and a commander, no less. Has Lodis betrayed us? [The battle rages.] HALPHAS: His eminence has charged me with defending the postern gate. I must show him that trust was not misplaced! [She falls.] HALPHAS: I've failed you...eminence. |
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[Within the keep Brantyn is interrupted by a messenger.] SOLDIER: Your Eminence! They've breached the castle gates! BRANTYN: Denam goes too far! How stand the knights of Lodis? You've lost my trust. I hope you've not lost your nerve as well! Or do you fancy taking my city from me, as a coda to losing the princess of Barnicia!? VOICE: Sheathe your anger, your excellency. It serves nothing here. [The Dark Knight Lanselot enters, trailed by a remaining few Dark Knights.] BRANTYN: I thought you in hiding, Lord Tartaros, so little have I seen of you. Finally muster the strength to stand in that armor of yours? LANSELOT: You appear to be embattled, your excellency. BRANTYN: A jest, yes? We are two rabbits in the same pot. Is it the largely uncontested loss of Phidoch and Barnicia that weighs upon your shoulders, or shame at your own inadequacy? Perhaps you should ride out and face our foes if you do not wish to become even more of a laughingstock! LANSELOT: I did not come to talk strategy. I am come to bid you farewell. BRANTYN: You would abandon us - your allies - now!? LANSELOT: Your excellency should learn to govern his tongue. Had you but followed our instructions, none of this would have come to pass. I include the matter of the princess when I say this! All you needed to do was abandon that Eltynaha puppet of yours and offer up the throne - it is what the people wanted! [Brantyn stands in a rage.] BRANTYN: Your counsel is not welcome here, knight! LANSELOT: Do you not see!? You are defeated, your excellency! [Lanselot turns to go with his men in tow. Brantyn laughs.] BRANTYN: Oh? Truly? It is you who have lost, sir! [Some of Lanselot's men draw their swords and hold them to their former leader's necks.] LANSELOT: Barbas! What madness has come over you!? BARBAS: Your time has passed, brother! [Brantyn's men surround Lanselot.] BRANTYN: Take him away. |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
LATIMER: Enemies of Heim! Your march ends here! [Denam confronts this loyal group.] DENAM: It is only a matter of time before your castle falls! Lay down your sword if you value your life. LATIMER: Would you do the same were you the defender here? Or would honor prevent you as it does me? The Bakram will fight to the end! [Denam has no choice but to fight them all.] LATIMER: An unexpected...turn. |
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日月評點 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
MARTYM: I'll be taking this. BALXEPHON: Traitorous worm! [Martym leans back and pummels Balxephon.] MARTYM: Is it not you who betray Lodis? VOLAQ: What? MARTYM: You meant to use Brynhildr to break the seal, princess or no! VOLAQ: What is he talking about? MARTYM: This sword holds the power of the gods. No mortal seal can stand against it. Yet you had us scouring the islands for a woman long dead and an uncharitable princess. VOLAQ (to Lanselot): Is this true, high champion? MARTYM: You wanted Dorgalua's legacy for yourself! VOLAQ: Do you mean to...mock us to death? [Martym kicks the still Balxephon.] MARTYM: No need. When the Almoricans find you, they'll do it for me. [He leaves.] VOLAQ: Are you all right, Balxephon? Andoras. How can you have any part in this? ANDORAS: Must I spell it out for you, Volaq? How I have yearned for this day. The day my mother and father, my brothers and sisters are avenged. VOLAQ: Still you cling to the Nildahme royal house? [Andoras turns and leaves without saying a word.] LANSELOT: The reins change hands.... Perhaps it was only a matter of time. VOLAQ: What do you mean? BALXEPHON: Catiua, the sword - nothing more than keys. VOLAQ: What? LANSELOT: Lodis can take these isles whenever it likes. For now, Valeria is best left to her people. It's only a question of who rules, and how. If nothing else, our sojourn here has taught me that. Can you move, Balxephon? [Lanselot and Balxephon struggle and break free of their ropes.] BALXEPHON: Well enough, I think. LANSELOT: It's time we were leaving Heim. |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
BARBAS: Well? MARTYM: The old coot Balxephon had it! ANDORAS: We'd best not tarry. BRANTYN: What are you doing!? They're coming! Make ready to meet them in battle! BARBAS: Then, to the Hanging Gardens, as discussed. BRANTYN: What do you mean? ...What are you planning!? BARBAS: We're done taking orders from you! BRANTYN: I'm the regent! How dare you speak to me like that! DENAM: It's over, Brantyn! MARTYM: Bah, sooner than I expected! [He flees in Denam's appearance. The other Dark Knights prepare to follow.] BRANTYN: The Dark Knights...fleeing? BARBAS: We've helped you as we said we would. This...this is your dungpile to spade. [Barbas winks out of the hall.] DENAM: No! Barbas! [Denam and his allies fight within the hall.] CATIUA: Regent, put away your weapons. Can we not discuss truce? Surely there is benefit to be had by us both. BRANTYN:A most convincing argument, your majesty. Your royal blood does much to conceal the mark the provinces have left on you. CATIUA: Three times I sent envoys to treat for peace before moving against Heim. each time you refused them. A decision reached with Lodis at your back, I should imagine. But look about you. I see no Knights Loslorien. You cannot win. Is it not a lord's duty to watch the curtain fall with grace? BRANTYN:We need no help from Lodis! I will not surrender the country I built to some baseborn girl, no matter how thickly Dorgalua's blood runs in her! CATIUA: So be it. We fight to the last. BRANTYN: Denam! As you are my nephew, hear me! It is not too late! Kneel to me, and together we will rule Valeria! DENAM: It is you who should kneel, Brantyn. Throw down your sword and rein in your troops, and your life will be spared. Resist, and we will show no mercy! BRANTYN: But the Dark Knights have left! You saw them! It was they who brought this upon us, not I - Yes, I did their bidding...but I did it to save Valeria. When we lost King Dorgalua, we could no longer hold Lodis at bay - who could!? Had we fought to drive them back, they would have killed us all! DENAM: If the people are so dear to you, why did you not inform the king that his daughter was alive? All Valeria would have welcomed the news after the prince's passing.... Look at me and tell me you did not seek to use her - as you used my father! BRANTYN: Yes, I sought to use her...and where is the wrong in that? I did what any lowborn man would do. When you lack a silver spoon, you fashion one of steel. You understand. You're like me. Where you carved out your destiny with a sword, I used my wits. But there's little difference, in the end. We both walk toward our future treading upon the backs of others. Deny it, and you only deceive yourself! [Denam's allies advance with their leader.] SHERRI: Hello, Brantyn. BRANTYN: After all I did for you, Sherri...how could you side against me? You will die a traitor! SHERRI: I, a traitor? You turned on me long before I had the chance. BRANTYN: You still think highly of yourself, I see. A keen eye for fault in anyone but yourself. You abandoned your faith, abandoned the Bakram - it is a wonder the Resistance will even have you. SHERRI: They trust me because I choose to trust. In my father, my sisters... myself. It is only the weak who cling to power. BRANTYN: You deceive yourself to think so. All men desire power. Few ever come to possess it. Those who do have a duty to use it justly. SHERRI: Such arrogance.... If only I had seen it sooner. I lost all I had for my error. I will not repeat it! [They corner Brantyn.] |
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English Script [Show / Hide] |
Heim (without Catiua) [Denam sits at the head of the table, his allies listening intently.] BRANTYN: Impossible.... It...it cannot be... DENAM: We must not bare our swords against them, even if they resist. The Dark Knights are our enemy, not the Bakram who follow them. Dispatch a messenger. Inform them of our intent. If we treath them like rebels, we will only push them away. KNIGHT: It will be done, my lord. DENAM: We must do likewise with the Resistance, of course. If any of our men make protest or show disrespect to the Bakram, they will be punished. SPELLBINDER: If I may, my lord. DENAM: Go on. SPELLBINDER: It's...no easy matter. I'm told there's been a good deal of rapine and plunder in the city. DENAM: What? SPELLBINDER: There is worse. Elders beaten, women...defiled. DENAM: My soldiers do this!? MREUVA: Crude though it may be, many do battle not for glory or duty but for the spoils. We cannot rid ourselves of them all. SPELLBINDER: How will you deal with these, my lord? [Choice 1 - We must look the other way.] DENAM: They will receive their due, but for now, I see no other course but to look the other way. SPELLBINDER: ... MREUVA: We have more pressing concerns. SPELLBINDER: As you say. [Choice 2 - They will be punished for their crimes.] DENAM: They will be punished as they deserve. Good? SPELLBINDER: Sir. DENAM: Today, we begin the long work of peace. We are no longer walister or Bakram. We are Valerians. The war is done. KNIGHT: We hereby swear an oath to serve, your loyal retainers unto death. [Denam rises.] DENAM: The Dark Knights have sought refuge in the Hanging Gardens. We travel there to rid ourselves of them for good and all. A great battle awaits us. But beyond it, peace! We must take up the sword once more. For Valeria! ALL: For Valeria! Heim (With Catiua) [Catiua sits at the head of the table, her allies listening intently.] CATIUA: We must not bare our swords against them, even if they resist. The Dark Knights are our enemy, not the Bakram who follow them. Dispatch a messenger. Inform them of our intent. If we treat them like rebels, we will only push them away. KNIGHT: It will be done, your majesty. CATIUA: Do likewise with the Resistance. It cannot appear we show favor. Any who act against my orders will meet punishment swift and fierce. DENAM: As you say. CATIUA: The war is finally over. From this day forward we are no longer Walister or Bakram. We are Valerian. The past must be forgotten. If any hatred still burns within you, shut it away. We must forge a new kingdom together. KNIGHT: We swear you our undying allegiance, Princess Versalia. CATIUA: I thank you. DENAM: The Dark Knights have sought refuge in the Hanging Gardens. We travel there to rid ourselves of them for good and all. A great battle awaits us. But beyond it, peace! We must take up the sword once more. For Valeria! ALL: For Valeria! |
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[Shadow, Denam's informant, leads Denam and Catiua into a church with some news.] SHADOW: Right this way. [Catiua glances at the huddled refugees and Denam stops in front of a woman with a child.] SHADOW: Is...something wrong? DENAM: No. Nothing. [They continue into a room where a young woman attends a blond man, seated facing an open window.] WOMAN: Ah! M'lord Sir Denam! And the p-princess! M'lady! [The woman falls over herself curtsying and Denam recognizes the man.] DENAM: Lanselot? What...!? MAN: ... [Denam, unsure whether this man is his old friend, notices something on the desk.] DENAM: What's this? Lanselot's music box? [He plays the box. The man turns and stands.] MAN: Ah.... Aaahhh.... Aaaaaah! [He collapses to his knees.] DENAM: It couldn't.... Is it really you? WOMAN: There there. It's all right. In your chair. CATIUA: The...Holy Knight? What ill fortune is this? [She rushes out of the room.] WOMAN: M'lady...? Do you know this man? DENAM: ... WOMAN: I'm sorry. 'Twasn't right of me to pry. DENAM: No worry. But I must ask - WOMAN: Wait, there's something you should see, m'lord. [She retrieves a sword from a bureau and holds it to Denam.] WOMAN: The sword he carried. DENAM: Lombardia! [Denam takes his friend's sword and thoughts as he departs.] |
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