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English Script [Show / Hide] |
Brigantys South Curtain Wall [Denam, as promised, shows up at the gates alone and unarmed.] RUDE KNIGHT: Not a step farther! State your business. Only the faithful are permitted within! DENAM: Don't your recognize me? I've come for an audience with your high priest. RUDE KNIGHT: I don't care much for your tone! KNIGHT: Steady there! That's Denam of Golyat you're talking to. RUDE KNIGHT: What!? DENAM: I am unarmed. I mean no ill will. RUDE KNIGHT: I'll be the judge of that. How do I know you don't have half a dozen soldiers with you? KNIGHT: Leave off. Sir Denam isn't the sort to lie to us. RUDE KNIGHT: I knew you were always their man! [He draws a weapon.] KNIGHT: A grave insult. [He takes his out as well, but they are interrupted.] WOMAN: Enough! Sheathe your swords. [A pious woman descends to them.] WOMAN: You too. [Her knights reluctantly do so and she invites Denam inside the castle.] WOMAN: I am Olivya, a sybil of the order here. You wish to meet with our leader, Abuna Prancet? Come this way. DENAM: What did you say? Abuna Prancet? OLIVYA: Yes, your father is here. DENAM: I don't understand. OLIVYA: Please, we must hurry. There isn't much time. DENAM: What do you mean? OLIVYA: The Great Father Philaha calls him to his side. I'm sorry, Denam. DENAM: What!? OLIVYA: When we discovered him in the corpsevale near Heim, he lacked even the strength to stand. DENAM: What place is this "vale"? OLIVYA: It is a small cavern where those afflicted with incurable disease or plague are kept. DENAM: Plague... OLIVYA: We did all we could to save him, but his condition only worsens. [Denam considers this news briefly.] DENAM: The Dark Knights had a hand in this, didn't they. OLIVYA (nodding): He was tortured, yes, and made to quaff a vile draught meant to loosen the lips...and the mind. DENAM: Father... OLIVYA: Let us go. [She leads Denam to a dim-lit chamber where his adopted father rests.] DENAM: Father, it is I! Denam! PRANCET: Ah.... Denam. You've come at last. [Denam walks to his father's side and kneels.] PRANCET: There is something I must tell you... DENAM: It's about my sister, isn't it? PRANCET: Catiua...is not your sister, as you know. She is the last remnant of Dorgalua's line...the Princess versalia Oberyth. DENAM: ... PRANCET: Catiua's mother was one of the Queen's handmaidens...a girl named Mannaflora. [Prancet recalls a meeting between Queen Vernotta and the handmaiden named Mannaflora.] [In her royal garden, the queen stands alone when her servant arrives.] VERNOTTA: You wanted to speak with me? What of? MANNAFLORA: I was hoping, your Highness, that I might be granted a short leave. VERNOTTA: I am dismayed! Do you not know you're the only one in this castle to whom I can confide my heart, Mannaflora? [Vernotta turns to face her servant.] VERNOTTA: ...The more your betrayal cuts to the quick. Did you think me blind? MANNAFLORA: Forgive me! [Vernotta steps forward and slaps Mannaflora.] VERNOTTA: I should have known that a king risen from the peasantry would prefer a simple, country girl. MANNAFLORA (rising): Your forgiveness, I beg you! VERNOTTA: Forgive you!? I might as soon strangle you, you.... You will serve me for the rest of your days, Mannaflora. Do you understand? My slave, till you die! [Mannaflora turns and sullenly nudges her stomach.] VERNOTTA: Wait...surely you are not with child! [She advances on her servant. Later, amidst a somber rain, Mannaflora flees the castle.] PRANCET: She gave birth to Catiua not long after departing the castle. [Abuna Brantyn stands in a homely cabin and a younger Abuna Prancet enters with a babe in his arms.] BRANTYN:How is Mannaflora? [Prancet shakes his head.] BRANTYN:I feared as much. The strain was too much for her delicate heart to bear. So...that is Versalia. PRANCET: Is that to be her name? Versalia? BRANTYN:It was his Highness's wish to have his daughter named so. PRANCET: We should tell him. He will want to know. BRANTYN:Have you not heard? Queen Vernotta will bear her own child a month hence. No. It is best that only you and I know of this. PRANCET: Then, what should I do with the child? BRANTYN:Keep her. You lost a child recently...Catiua, was it? Raise this one in her stead. PRANCET: As my own flesh and blood? BRANTYN:Yes. For her sake, and the good of Valeria. PRANCET: But how... BRANTYN:I am sure you will find a way. Ah, I have something for you. Take these necklaces. They should fetch a good price. PRANCET: What? Where are these from? BRANTYN:They were a gift from his Highness, to celebrate the birth of his child. He intended that the blue be given to a prince, the red to a princess. PRANCET: But...I could not sell these! BRANTYN:You will need money if you're to raise a child. And a princess, besides. You and I both grew up commons. You know what it is to need. What we must do.... Give it no more thought, Prancet. This is the only way. [Prancet wraps up his story with an intently listening Denam aside.] PRANCET: But Brantyn deceived me.... He used his knowledge of Mannaflora and the girl to advance his position within the church. DENAM: ... PRANCET: I...erred, Denam, when the king passed away. Had I only offered up Catiua then, this war might never have come to pass. But I.... I couldn't let her go. When I heard her call me "father," I could not take that way from her...or her from me. DENAM: I had no idea... PRANCET: The Dark Knights have searched long and hard for Catiua. But not to make her sovereign of Valeria. They pursue another purpose. DENAM: You know this purpose? PRANCET: Yes...her crowning ceremony was for show.... They don't want her upon a throne.... They want King Dorgalua's legacy. DENAM: What legacy? Some sort of artifact? PRANCET: I do not know what it is.... Only that it rests with the King. Now that they have Catiua...they seek the tomb. DENAM: And my sister knows where it is? PRANCET: No...she knows nothing. Yet her role is vital. Only one who shares the Dynast-King's blood can undo the seal upon the tomb. DENAM: They're using her. PRANCET: Yes, and when she has...fulfilled her purpose...they'll - *cough* DENAM: Father, you must rest! PRANCET: Listen to me, Denam! You must save Catiua. You are the only one who can. You can lead her to her rightful destiny.... Do this for us...for Valer- *cough* DENAM: Father! PRANCET: Find Mreuva! He...was once Archiereus in our order.... He can help you. DENAM: Say no more, father. You must conserve your strength! PRANCET: Know it is not about -you-. Become a stone along the path to our salvation. You must look with clear eyes, Denam! Make the right choice! Lead us along the true path...make our way.... Do this...only this... DENAM: You mustn't talk. You must rest! PRANCET: Denam.... Forgive...me. DENAM: Father!!! [Prancet's eyes close and Denam spends a few quiet moments with his father before leaving.] DENAM: Father... OLIVYA: There is something else you must know. DENAM: Can it not wait? OLIVYA: No.... It concerns you and the regent, Brantyn. DENAM: what? OLIVYA: He and your father were siblings. True brothers by blood. DENAM: Brantyn's my uncle!? Then who am I? OLIVYA: Your true name...is Denam Morne.... You are Bakram. DENAM: That's madness! I won't believe it. Me? Bakram? OLIVYA: Please, good sir. Calm. Think back. When you were quite young, you resided with Abuna Prancet in the royal city of Heim. DENAM: Sibyl...you lie! OLIVYA: I wish it were so, but I speak true. As a child, you oft played on the grounds of Archiereus Mreuva's villa. [Denam steps forward and grabs Olivya by the collar.] DENAM: Stop this, please! OLIVYA: You spent your days in play with Mreuva's four daughters there... DENAM: ...Go on. OLIVYA: You were closest to the girl who shared your birth year.... One day, as you played by the water, this girl wandered too deep and began to drown. [Denam releases Olivya.] DENAM: How do you know that? OLIVYA (lowering her head): ... DENAM: But...but that was my sister who was drowning.... No, she saved me...I remember... OLIVYA: In her struggling, the girl struck her head...leaving a small scar. [She pulls back her hair.] DENAM: It...was you? OLIVYA: It was my eldest sister, Cerya, who fished us out. DENAM: How is this possible? OLIVYA: I am the daughter of Mreuva, who was once Archiereus of Philaha. DENAM: I...I cannot... [He falls to his knees.] OLIVYA: You can. You must, Denam. You are who you were born to be. DENAM: ... OLIVYA: Now, stand, Denam! What you are, who you are, has no bearing on who you will become! Surely you did not dream of a kingdom for one people only? Remember your father's words! [Denam stands tall.] DENAM: Yes.... It's as you say. It does not matter who I am. It matters only how I live, what I achieve. Thank you, Sibyl Olivya. OLIVYA: I am pleased. You are the Denam I remember. [From outside a familiar voice calls.] CISTINA and CERYA: Olivya! [Cistina and Cerya rush into the hall.] OLIVYA: Cerya, cistina! How I rejoiced to hear you were with the Resistance. When I learned that the Dark Knights had destroyed the Liberation Front, I feared the worst. CISTINA: Never mind me. What of father? CERYA: What are you doing in Brigantys? Where is father? OLIVYA: ...I know not where father is. CISTINA: How is that possible? You were with him! OLIVYA: He...blamed himself for your departure from the Order. His days were spent locked in his quarters, though I believe his heart wandered elsewhere. When he did leave the castle, on the night the Dark Knights attacked Rhime, he never returned. CISTINA: What!? Father's missing? Wherever could he have gone? OLIVYA: I do not know. In truth, I hoped you might have some idea, sister. CISTINA: I...how could I know? DENAM: Just think. Search your memories for anything, aything at all. CERYA: I may know. The Hagia Banhamuba. CISTINA: Wait, of course! The Shrine of Ishtar! DENAM: I've not heard of any such shrine on this isle. CISTINA: Of course you wouldn't have. It's known by a different name now. Few venture there. You've heard of the old Hagia on Banhamuba? That is the Shrine to Ishtar. Cerya once told me that father studied there in his youth. CERYA: It is a place of worship to Ishtar, Goddess of Light. Father studied there in his youth. If he has left the Order, he has slipped from his faith. he would go there to find direction. I am sure of it. OLIVYA: You may be right. And you believe him to be there now? CISTINA: Perhaps. CERYA: Let us pray I am. DENAM: We must go to the Hagia Banhamuba at once, then! OLIVYA: Wait - Where is our sister, Sherri? OLIVYA: But where are Cerya and Sherri? DENAM: That's right. There were four of you, weren't there. OLIVYA: Cistina! DENAM: I last saw Cerya at Boed Fortress. We parted ways there. Neither Cistina nor I know what's become of her. OLIVYA: What of Sherri, then? CISTINA: Sherri.... Sherri has surrendered to the Bakram. OLIIVYA: Cerya! CERYA: Sherri has betrayed us. She's gone to Brantyn. OLIVYA: What? That cannot be! CISTINA: I fear it is, Olivya. After leaving the order, Sherri surrendered herself to the Bakram. She serves as Brantyn's right hand now. OLIVYA: My sister.... My sister. [Denam gives the sisters a moment.] DENAM: Let us find your father, Olivya. Have you any idea where he might be? [She shakes her head.] DENAM: ... OLIVYA: Perhaps...he lost his faith? DENAM: What's that? OLIVYA: It may seem odd, but as you rise in the ranks of the church, your duties become less of faith and more of politics. Men like Balbatos and Brantyn are such - their power as regent or steward becomes more important than their devotion. I watched as my father dirtied his own hands...full aware of what he did. DENAM: ... OLIVYA: After Dorgalua passed away, my father lost in a struggle for power with Brantyn, and so lost his rank as archiereus. But though he could now return to his faith, free from political machinations, he was not pleased. That is when my sisters left. They could not accept that he had changed, that faith and politics are links of a single chain. The teachings of god are a compass needle for the righeous man, a way for all to live in peace and happiness. Throw yourself into the maelstrom that is governance - as long as you follow the teachings, your course will be true. But my father.... My father lost his faith. He set out upon the same path as Brantyn before him. DENAM: So...perhaps he has left to find his faith once more? OLIVYA: It...is possible. DENAM: The Temple of Philaha is in Heim...but he could not have returned there. OLIVYA: Then where could he have gone? I've not heard of any other Temple of Philaha in these isles. DENAM: My father once spoke to me of an ancient shrine, a hagia on Banhamuba. We might start there. OLIVYA: I can think of no other course of action.... To Banhamuba, then, Denam. |
ブリガンテス城南 [Denam's troops frighten the enemy and they are forced to fight.]
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
DENAM: As I told you, I've come only to speak with the leader of your Order. I want no bloodshed, nor do I intend harm upon any of your followers. KNIGHT: Lies from the mouth of a murderer! Why come attended by soldiers and bearing arms if you truly want no bloodshed? DENAM: I am true to my word, but if you attack, we will be forced to defend ourselves! KNIGHT: We do not fear death, for the Great Father will receive our souls. But for those who abandon faith for the fist, only hell awaits! [They fight.] DENAM: This parley has taken an ill turn. [Denam arrives in the great hall of Brigantys where representatives meet him.] SIBYL: This castle shelters only the priests and followers of our Order. We wish you no harm. Please, leave at once and do not return. DENAM: I've come only to talk! PRIEST: Then why do I hear the cries of the wounded outside our walls? PRIESTESS: Leave here! You must leave! This is no place for your kind! WOMAN: Enough! [A woman strides through the ranks of priests and greets Denam.] |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
FEMALE KNIGHT: Sir, the enemy approaches! MALE KNIGHT: But that's Denam! What's he doing here? TERROR KNIGHT: He's come to kill us - what else? MALE KNIGHT: Impossible! He would never do such a thing! TERROR KNIGHT: You mean to suggest he has come to parley? Then why does he not approach from the front gates? MALE KNIGHT: You're right.... He's not come to talk. TERROR KNIGHT: I did not take you for a thief, come to stab us in the back! We will defend the Order with our lives! [They fight.] DENAM: This parley has taken an ill turn... [Denam arrives in the great hall of Brigantys where representatives meet him.] SIBYL: This castle shelters only the priests and followers of our Order. We wish you no harm. Please, leave at once and do not return. DENAM: I've come only to talk! PRIEST: Then why do I hear the cries of the wounded outside our walls? PRIESTESS: Leave here! You must leave! This is no place for your kind! WOMAN: Enough! [A woman strides through the ranks of priests and greets Denam.] |
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