劇情簡介 |
クレシダ生存的狀態下過關後,對話選項選擇「我不想制裁你/きみだけを裁くつもりはない。」 加爾加斯坦人的好感度必須在50以上方可加入 |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
[The town is quiet at night when two lurkers arrive.] NYBETH: How many times must I say this? My goal is nothing short of a perfect restoration of soul and flesh! Achieve this, and the people of Valeria - nay, of the world entire - will be free from the fetters of mortality! CRESSIDA: But if we restore the soul, the body withers. Revive the body, and the soul is lost. Both lead only to an imperfect death...never to what you desire! You know this, and yet you continue your foul inquiries. You're taking lives for your playthings! NYBETH: No more impassioned an argument could I make for the vitality of my research than what you've just said! My dear Cressida, the knowledge is out there. I know it is. All we need do is find it! CRESSIDA: If it's knowledge you seek, why unleash your creations on innocents? Even if they are Walister...this is massacre! NYBETH: You mistake the manner for the mind. My animates do not blindly follow my will. Their souls want this bloodshed. CRESSIDA: Souls? Naught but hatred resides in those shells of flesh. Only the vestiges of the terror they felt at their own deaths remain to drive them. Surely you know this! NYBETH: You call them vestiges, but these remnants of the former self are the former self are the foundation upon which complete soul recovery can be achieved! [Zombies sneak from the shadows.] CRESSIDA: Hektor...sister...mother! How could you do this to them.... Don't you love them? Don't you love anything!? NYBETH (shaking his head): I do love them, which is why I keep them close. Look, Moldova and Hektor remain partners for eternity! Their love will persist until their bodies decay and dust returns to dust, ash to ash. CRESSIDA: You are mad.... Wholly mad! NYBETH: I fear words will never be enough to convince you. As arbiter of life and death, I hereby bind you to this place! [He prepares a spell.] CRESSIDA: My legs.... I'm stuck! No! NYBETH: Love...never dies. CRESSIDA: Sister! Moldova, please! [Moldova strikes at Cressida.] DENAM: Necromancer Nybeth! I feared you were behind this. Who else would send the dead against Almorica? NYBETH: Ah, if it isn't my old acquaintance...Denam, was it? I see you still fail to grasp the significance of my research. A pity. Denizens of the abyss! From ink of blackest night, I summon you! Darkness to me! [More undead join his ranks.] NYBETH: I'm afraid you mistake me. I do not direct anyone, living or dead, to attack Almorica Castle. They wished it for themselves. Particularly...that one. [Another familiar face arrives.] VYCE: Unh.... Uuuh. DENAM: Vyce!? VYCE: You...said you'd...help.... Abandoned.... You abandoned...me... DENAM: No! That was not the way of it! [Denam runs across the battlefield to aid the fallen necromancer.] CRESSIDA: Why would the Resistance come to my aid? DENAM: We couldn't leave you to that fate, whoever you may be. Now, go while there's still time. CRESSIDA: I can't leave! I have to see this finished! [Cressida dies.] CRESSIDA: Mother...sister...I could have saved you. I should have... [They fight.] MOLDOVA: What...place is this? Hektor? Where are you? CRESSIDA: Moldova! May you finally find peace... CASSANDRA: Cressida.... Beloved daughter.... You...must live. CRESSIDA: Why did this have to be? Why!? Mother! I'm so sorry... HEKTOR: What? Where am I? My...work was complete. CRESSIDA: Hektor! Oh, dear Hektor.... So noble a man should not be reduced to this. HEKTOR: Why are you sad, Cressida? Do not...grieve for...me. Go...Cressida. Live. For me...and Moldova. NYBETH: Well now, this will not do. No, not at all. I've far more important matters to which I must attend. Enough of these petty squabbles. I'm sure we'll meet again. [He transforms into a bat and flees.] CRESSIDA: You'd leave your dead behind, Nybeth? [Denam finishes the rest of the enemies.] VYCE: M-my head...why am I...not me? This...is your doing! You...must pay... DENAM: Vyce...I would help you if I could. Believe me! VYCE: Pain...my head...h-help me.... Denam! DENAM: Vyce! No!!! [The battlefield is cleared.] DENAM: Vyce...I.... What else could I have done? CRESSIDA: I will never forgive you for this, Nybeth.... I will revenge my friends upon you! DENAM: Cressida was your name? The necromancer Nybeth is no stranger to you, is he? CRESSIDA: No, he's no stranger. He is my father. And I am his disciple. DENAM: You practice necromancy!? CRESSIDA: You mean to say that I defile the bodies and souls of the departed. Until today, I might have said no, what I do is for the benefit of my people...thus I truly believed. I was wrong. Where I thought we ushered in happiness, I find only horror...and despair. My father insists it is because his research is incomplete, but how can any good come from such evil? He is merely inflicting more pain on those who deserve peace. DENAM: Can there be no rest for those he has raised? CRESSIDA: Even should they kill every man who never wronged them, those who return with hatred in place of their soul will never know peace. There is no past for them, no future. They live forever in the moment of their own death. I may not believe in the dream of divine salvation...but this is a nightmare. DENAM: ... CRESSIDA: I am guilty for tying them to this twisted mockery of a life.... I have no words to express my remorse. [Choice 1 - Nor should you expect forgiveness.] DENAM: Your sins against these people are too deep to be easily forgotten. But as you have realized your error and seek to make amends, I will spare your life. CRESSIDA: Why would I seek forgiveness from you, the murderer of my mother and sister? If you had not saved my life, I would surely have taken yours. DENAM: Then we will leave before you forget your charity. [Choice 2 - You will not be judged by me.] DENAM: You do not deserve to be judged here, in this place. Instead, I would judge Nybeth, who shows none of your repentance. If you would sotp him, perhaps you can help us. CRESSIDA: You...murdered my mother and sister. But no, I will but that aside until my father - until Nybeth is slain. I will help you. It is he who defiled their memories, and he who should pay! I will aid you for the sake of those who were given an unlife they did not want. DENAM: Thank you, cressida. Let us put bad blood aside to stop good blood from being shed. [Cressida refuses your offer.] CRESSIDA: Why would I help you, the murderer of my mother and sister? I thank you for your aid. But this matter is between myself and my father. I must resolve it alone. DENAM: I see. Then we shall depart. Thank you for shedding some light on this dark matter. |
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