VOLAQ: You abandon your post and go over to the enemy!? Do you know what this means?
OZMA: Balxephon admitted to the lie. You heard him, Volaq.
VOLAQ: It's his brother, after all. Balxephon has shown poor judgement, but who are we to find fault? Men are governed by passion. Rules and reason are not enough to bind them.
OZMA: He played me for a fool! to say nothing of my parents, House Glacius...even Lodis!
VOLAQ: I know, but the high champion's orders are quite clear. He's to be charged for his crimes after his return to Lodis.
[Ozma turns away.]
OZMA: Do you not think the high champion knew of all this? He and Balxephon keep close counsel. I cannot believe he knew nothing of Hobyrim.
VOLAQ: Speak no more, Ozma. Return with me to the high champion. For my sake, if not your own.
OZMA: I can't go back.... Not like this!
[She flees.]
VOLAQ: Ozma!
[He turns to his men.]
VOLAQ: Leave Ozma to me. You're to return to Heim and make a full report to the high commander.
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