RONWEY: I am heartened by your return. As you live, so too does the Resistance.
CATIUA: What do you intend to do after such a defeat?
RONWEY: Defeat? Nonsense! Psonji was a stalemate! All that's lacking is the coup de grace. I will muster a new host and march on Coritanae.
LEONAR: And where will you find men for
RONWEY: What do you propose instead? Hmm? If you're sitting on some great strategem, I would hear it.
LEONAR: Balbatos suffered losses as great as ours at Psonji. This is fact. But do not forget, Denam's feint required that Galgastan hold considerable forces in reserve. If he were to strike now, we would be hard-pressed to repel him. What's more, ever since Balmamusa, we've suffered an endless stream of deserters. We cannot fight a war without soldiers.
RONWEY: If I held a dagger at Balbatos's throat, you'd complain of its dullness!
LEONAR: Not complaints, your grace. Simple facts. One thing to talk of bringing down Balbatos, but idle musings bring us no closer to victory!
RONWEY: All talk, am I? Impudent knave!
DENAM: Enough of this. This is no time to quarrel amongst ourselves.
[The two check their emotions.]
RONWEY: We must turn to the Dark Knights Loslorien for reinforcements.
[Leonar backs out of his chair.]
LEONAR: What? You can't be serious! This is some species of madness!
RONWEY: The decision is made. It is the only way to bring down Balbatos.
LEONAR: By begging for reinforcements, we all but admit defeat. Again you would vassal us to the Bakram. Were it to become known, our ranks would dwindle further. Even those under watch of our walls would take flight. You would drive them into the waiting arms of the New Walister Alliance. I will not lend my name to this...this suicide!
RONWEY: Still I wait to hear how you would deliver us! No, forget I asked. I've heard enough of your counsel.
RONWEY: What does our young hero make of this? It's you I must persuade.
DENAM: Well...
RONWEY: Will you not venture to Phidoch Castle? Convey my missive to Tartaros?
LEONAR: Your grace! You must rethink this!
RONWEY: It is not your place to tell me what I must and must not do. Begone from my hall!
[Leonar backs up slowly against the wall and leaves the room without looking back.]
RONWEY: The future of the Walister rests on your decision. Will you go?
DENAM: As my duke wishes.
[Outside the counsel room, Denam and Catiua are called to.]
XAPAN: Hold there!
[The mercenary sprints after them.]
DENAM: Why the urgency? The duke paid you, no?
XAPAN: Aye, and then some! Said there was more where that came from if I'd join you.
DENAM: I'm pleased for you. But you needn't come with us.
XAPAN: Eh, why's that now?
DENAM: Our path leads to danger.
CATIUA: This messenger's errand? What danger in that?
DENAM: Remember our safety is at the mercy of the Dark Knights Loslorien. Galgastan is as eager to prevail as we. They may have sent their own messengers to persuade the knights from their perch and onto the battlefield.
XAPAN: Ture, that. If the knights have joined against us, you'd be walking into the lion's den, as it were.
DENAM: Indeed. Yet we're bound to see how the lion lays. You have your coin. You only place yourself in needless peril by joining us.
XAPAN (laughing): Ha! Hard to argue with that. But I'll join you all the same. Where there's peril, there's reward!
DENAM: A soldier with a merchant's heart, I see! As you like then. I'll not stand between a man and his profit.
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