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勝利條件: 敵軍全滅 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
GOUSIN: You're Denam! The "Hero of Golyat," they call you? Hrm. Something tells me I won't be recruiting you. DENAM: You must be part of the New Walister Alliance. We share a common cause. GOUSIN: Cause? You abandoned our cause when you drew steel on your kinsmen, traitor. Listen up, boys! That one there's the hero of Golyat! Slaughtered the people of Balmamusa like cattle, he did. All to slake his thirst for power! You going to let him and his bloodthirsty lord rule us into the grave? I didn't think so! For the alliance! [His troops rallied against Denam, Gousin and the New Walister Alliance charge.] GOUSIN: You're Catiua, sister to Denam, are you not? Oh, he has forsaken you, truly! Power is the prize in his eye now. But you, you know better. You know strength can push away as well as it pulls closer. Does the duke's army not bleed men by the day? If you have the best interests of the Walister at heart, you will leave Denam's side and service! [Choice 1 - Who are you?] CATIUA: Your face is not known to me. How do you know mine? GOUSIN: Oh, it matters little what I know. What matters is what we know. Your brother is a danger to his own people. And to you. CATIUA: Why should I listen to anything you have to say? GOUSIN: Because I say only what you already know. In his heart, Denam has abandoned you! DENAM: Don't listen to him, sister! I stand, as always, by your side! [Choice 2 - Who do you think you are?] CATIUA: What is your business, and how do you know who I am? Your words sit very ill with me, I'll have you know. GOUSIN: Ah, er, yes, well... CATIUA: Well what? If you've aught to say, say it! GOUSIN: Y-you see, ma'am, we seek to build a society free of the repression v-visited upon us by the ruling elite! CATIUA: Well said. Go on. GOUSIN: S-see, your brother, Denam, he's but a c-clinging cretin, wagging his tail for the duke! Thinks maybe the duke will throw him a bone...some land or a title, perhaps, eh? And you'd follow him? CATIUA: I follow on thing only: My heart. And my heart tells me to remain by Denam's side. Valeria be damned! GOUSIN: I see... DENAM: Sister! [Gousin falls to Denam.] GOUSIN: Well...that could have gone better. |
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