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BALBATOS: So it's done. The Walister are broken! GATIALO: Just so. APOLLINAIRE: They are, my lord. Sir Xaebos does not disappoint. BALBATOS: Indeed not. Now all that remain are Brantyn and the Dark Knights. Still, even with Almorica, defeating them will be no small task. [A messenger bursts into the room.] SOLDIER: My lords! The Walister.... They're here! APOLLINAIRE: Calm yourself! You speak in tongues, soldier. GATIALO: Here? What are you talking about? SOLDIER: They lay siege to the castle! GATIALO: How many are there? SOLDIER: I-I don't know, sir. What do we do? GATIALO: Meet them with every man who can hold a sword! SOLDIER: Yes sir! [The soldier leaves after hearing her advice.] BALBATOS: The remnants of their army couldn't have broken through out lines, unles...Psonji was a diversion! |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
DENAM: I am Denam Pavel, of the Order of Goldscale! Hear me, Leundar Balbatos! Open the gates of Coritanae and surrender! Kneel without a fight, and I will ensure you a fair reckoning. Resist us, and we will release heaven's judgment upon you for your crimes! ORGEAU: What hole did they crawl from? Listen up, boys. We only need hold these walls until our main host returns! Let not one of them into the keep! Listen well, interlopers! The Walister host was routed in the field! You're fighting for a lost cause! DENAM: So they weren't able to hold in Psonji.... Unfortunate, but our course remains the same. We've a keep to take! [Denam and company lead the assault on Coritanae.] ORGEAU: Make your peace with the Father now, for when Sir Xaebos returns with his legions, you will die! DENAM: Sounds like another way to say you're doomed unless your friends come to save you. ORGEAU: Wishful thoughts, cur! DENAM: It is a long way for word to travel to Psonji...and as long for your legions to return. [He falls.] ORGEAU: So.... So close. |
against Apollinaire
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
APOLLINAIRE: A crafty ploy, Denam of Golyat! But this keep still stands, and by the might of Galgastan she will not fall! [She calls her forces to attack and notices a familiar face on the other side.] APOLLINAIRE: You.... Jeunan!? What are you doing with those Walister blackguards!? JEUNAN: Daesi.... How many seasons have passed since we last met. APOLLINAIRE: If you are here...then Brigantys has fallen, and the traitors to the heirophant conspire with the Walister! JEUNAN: True enough, though I mislike your choice of words. We are not criminals, but brothers-in-arms, seeking not more conflict, but peace. [They whittle down her ranks.] APOLLINAIRE: You do not know the past of this man you call your ally, Denam of Golyat. His sword is wet with the blood of innocents, and his boots dark with the ashes of their village! JEUNAN: It is true. I have no desire to deny what I have done. Nor do I deny that it was a terrible mistake, a weighty sin upon my soul! All those who lent aid to Balbatos's blood war were ogres...ogres in men's flesh! APOLLINAIRE: You blame his eminence? it was you upon the field of battle! You who mistook friend or foe! JEUNAN: You speak as though your own hands were not stained dark with the blood of innocents! APOLLINAIRE: Innocents? Do not brand me with your iron, traitor! I fought only the enemies of this kingdom...gnawing vermin like you, who place the blame for their own sins upon our lord! JEUNAN: True. Killing the heirophant now would do little to absolve my guilt. I was a man changed then. Those villagers - something dark inside me moved my hand to cut short their cries for mercy. I believed, in my black heart, that I did my duty for Galgastan. That I served my people even as I slew them. But what did I serve, other than death? I watched as the light faded from the eyes of our people and fear grew in their hearts. I watched as the beauty that was Galgastan...perished. APOLLINAIRE: Foolishness! You'd have us return to the years of Dorgalua's rule, is that it? When the Bakram and Walister dined at the king's table, while the Galgastani were left to forage for scraps? You would throw away all we built this kingdom for! Where is the beauty in that, I ask you!? JEUNAN: You decry the injustices of Dorgalua while you wish them upon the Walister! You would strip them - and your own clansmen - of their freedom. The heirophant's justice has failed, and his people abandon him. Surely you see it, Daesi! You cannot build a castle upon shifting sands. APOLLINAIRE: As you wish, Jeunan. We will let the battle decide who has the right of it! [Jeunan arrives the victor.] APOLLINAIRE: Glory...to Galgastan. |
against Gatialo
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
GATIALO: I know you! Bless my mending wounds for keeping me here and granting me this chance to face you again. Have no fear, boy. I'll show you all the mercy you showed our Arkhiatros! [He calls his forces to attack and they whittle down his ranks.] GATIALO: To meet death at the hands of these Walister swine.... Forgive me... |
劇情簡介 |
日月評點 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
Brigantys Castle DENAM: Our forces have taken the keep. It is over! BALBATOS: No closer, Walister! I'll never kneel to the likes of you. DENAM: You have no choice. BALBATOS: Foulest of days.... We won in Psonji! We won! [One of Denam's knights steps forward.] BALBATOS: I said stay back, insolent cretins! [Denam draws his sword.] DENAM: Your keep is taken and your men are slain, Balbatos. Yield! BALBATOS: You were wrong, Walister... [He thrusts his blade into his chest.] BALBATOS: I do...have a choice! [He collapses. Denam returns his weapon and checks the pulse of Balbatos.] DENAM: He's dead. I wonder how Vyce has fared... Krysaro [In a Galgastani occupied town, a Galgastani commander holds Vyce in a dark room and whips him.] XAEBOS: Where is Denam? Speak! VYCE: How should...I know? Run off somewhere...I'd wager... XAEBOS: You expect me to believe the hero of the Walister turned tail and fled? Tell me what you're scheming, or I'll quiet you for good! [He lashes out again when a soldier runs in.] SOLDIER: Sir! The Walister - They've taken Coritanae! XAEBOS: What!? How is that possible? SOLDIER: A forced crossed the Brigania Flats and assaulted the keep from her flank! XAEBOS: Madness! What of the heirophant? Surely he's not - SOLDIER: Slain, sir. the dogs showed no mercy. XAEBOS: The heirophant...slain? VYCE: Ha! He did it! He really did it! Ha ha! XAEBOS: You...vile, scheming creature! [Xaebos kicks Vyce in the chest.] VYCE: Unh! XAEBOS: ...How stand our ranks? SOLDIER: Sir. We have.... Roughly four companies remain, sir. XAEBOS: Godspit! We've lost more than I thought. Send Brutakos and Muntzer to Coritanae! We will march on Almorica! SOLDIER: At once, sir! XAEOBS: That demon of Golyat will pay for this! |
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