RAVNESS: We'll both be caught here. I'll stay and slow the enemy - you go on ahead!
WARRIOR: I owe you an apology, Ravness. I thought you could not be trusted. Forgive me.
RAVNESS: You're kind, but there's naught to forgive. Now go. See to our young lord of Coritanae.
[He leaves when a Galgastan force surrounds Ravness.]
KNIGHT: Thought you could slip away, did you?
DENAM: Warriors of Galgastan! Coritanae has fallen! Balbatos is slain! Surrender and save yourselves!
RAVNESS: I did not think Coritanae would fall so swift.
KNIGHT: Walister lies! Shut your ears to their slander. Seize the woman, slay the rest!
DENAM: Dame Ravness, rally to us!
RAVNESS: Already you lead the armies of Almorica.
DENAM: Sir Leonar gave his life to make it so. Balmamusa, Sir Leonar...how many more must I send to their death?
RAVNESS: A brave man, Sir Leonar. I knew him well. He would bear any dishonor for his country.
[They fend off the Galgastani.]
RAVNESS: It is a great burden he has passed to you. But who am I to fault him for that?
DENAM: You're too hard on yourself.
RAVNESS: Am I? Balmamusa was a foul business. It was unfair of us to ask one so young to bear so much. We trusted to your strength, when we ought have heeded our own wisdom.
DENAM: I might have chosen another path at Balmamusa. I might have died in Sir Leonar's place. But there is no undoing what is done.
RAVNESS: You press on because you must, bearing your shame upon your shield.
[They seek to meet and thwart the Galgastani.]
JEUNAN: So this is the Dame Ravness.
DENAM: She's no enemy of ours.
JEUNAN: Easy, Denam. Sir Briam told me all. A Walister Knight who toils for Galgastan is a rare creature indeed.
DENAM: What do you mean?
JEUNAN: She's well regarded among those who oppose Balbatos. And Balbatos's men think of her less as a Walister Knight than a rogue within their own camp.
DENAM: Dame Ravness, a Galgastani rebel?
JEUNAN: I'd sooner have the tale from her, but she'll not talk if she's dead.
[Canopus joins the fray.]
CANOPUS: You're looking well, all things considered.
RAVNESS: I see you've not changed, Canopus.
CANOPUS: Not as you have. There's a rose in your cheeks. It suits you. You had a grim look when first we met at Almorica.
RAVNESS: I was confused about a great many things. But no longer.
CANOPUS: To the business at hand then. So many foes in need of mortality.
[They eventually rout the Galgastani.]
DENAM: Dame Ravness! Are you all right?
RAVNESS: Thank you, yes. I live to fight another day.
DENAM: It was the Galgastani who pursued you, and a Galgastani whom you helped escape. I admit I'm rather...confused.
RAVNESS: The knight you saw opposes the heirophant. It was Balbatos's loyals who gave chase.
DENAM: To what end?
RAVNESS: The lord of Coritanae is the rightful ruler of Galgastan. Heirophant Balbatos is merely his steward. As the young lord was not yet of age, Balbatos was free to reshape Galgastan as he saw fit. The poor child was a piece in a game he scarce knew existed. We had hoped to reach him before your assault on Coritanae.
DENAM: Where is he now?
RAVNESS: Balbatos's enemies shelter him. With Coritanae sacked and Balbatos dead, I should think they'll take him to Brigantys. A great many of their number hold the castle.
DENAM: Good people, and true.
RAVNESS: That's right - you've met them, haven't you. It is they who reached out to me to aid in the reformation.
DENAM: Of Galgastan, you mean?
RAVNESS: Of course. Not everyone in Galgastan wanted war with the Walister. What better way to bring peace to both people than to change Galgastan from within?
DENAM: Peace without bloodshed.
RAVNESS: With my mixed blood, I thought myself a fitting standard-bearer for the cause.
DENAM: ...
RAVNESS: I had but to open my eyes and see. And when I did, a new truth emerged - a way for Walister and Galgastani both to emerge victorious.
DENAM: A worthy goal. One I share.
[He extends his hand.]
DENAM: Join us, Ravness. Fight at our side. Our paths parted at Balmamusa, but we seek the same thing. Look past what is done, and lend me your steel.
RAVNESS: You've grown much since Balmamusa. My sword is yours.
[They grasp hands.]
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