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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
GILDORA: So you're the commander of the Walister forces who took Coritanae? You'll pay for the disgrace you brought upon the heirophant, Denam Pavel! DENAM: Soldiers of Galgastan! Release your captives and throw down your arms! Balbatos is no more! There is no longer cause to fight! GILDORA: Fool! Why should we heed you? We're the victors here! We will see his eminence's vision through: An end to your befouled bloodline! DENAM: Victors? But you've lost. The people of Coritanae and Brigantys both have joined us. They follow you no longer! GILDORA: The people? They're as fickle as a weathercock, turning whichever way the wind blows. Once you are buried and Almorica is ours, we'll see how quickly they return to their former masters! DENAM: And how will you lead them? With fear? You follow the same dark course as the heirophant! [Denam unwillingly fights the Galgastani.] GILDORA: Forgive me...heirophant. I...have failed you. |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
XAEBOS: We may be all that's left of Galgastan's armies, but we'll not surrender to you! Look well, boy. This is how men of honor meet death! RAVNESS: Sir Xaeobs, lay down your sword! There is no honor in a meaningless death! XAEBOS: We gladly give our lives for the sake of the heirophant's cause. A noble act...lost on the likes of you, Ravness. RAVNESS: It is not honor you seek but glory! You have a sacred duty to your kinsmen. Where is the nobility in abandoning them? XAEBOS: Who are you to speak to me of duty? You're nothing but a mongrel bitch who betrayed her better half! [The forces battle.] XAEBOS: You. You're Jeunan Avertif. Rebels taken you under their wing, have they? A fine pair you make. Denam is no better than the duke. DENAM: What do you mean? XAEBOS: Have you forgotten Balmamusa? You seemed only too glad to carry out the duke's orders then. I know you for what you are, boy: A butcher, and ruthless. JUENAN: So quick to find fault, but these are past sins for which we seek to atone! What about yourself, Xaebos? You lead your men to their doom. XAEBOS: Hmph, I might have expected as much from you, Jeunan. You and Denam are cut from the same cloth. You speak of the good of the people, yet think only of yourselves! [The battle continues.] XAEBOS: All our plans, ruined by you Walister filth! DENAM: Walister, Galgastani - that's how men like Balbatos and the duke wish to paint us. They play us against each other for their own purposes. But we have had enough! XAEBOS: You quibble over words. In the end, each of us fights for our own reasons. You convince the people that you are their champion. Perhaps you've even convinced yourself. But it is naught but a convenient lie. DENAM: I don't have to convince myself of anything. [He falls.] XAEBOS: A sorry sight...I must make. Remember it well, Denam. Someday...this will be your fate. DENAM: I'll not sink so low. XAEBOS: It takes...only one false step. DENAM: If ever I turn against my people, death seems a just reward. XAEBOS: Ha.... Might be that it is. The people aren't half as smart as...you credit them. But nor are they...fools. Betrayal...retribution...righteousness. Words on the wind. Enjoy your victory...while it lasts, boy. |
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日月評點 |
English Script [Show / Hide] |
MIRDYN: Canopus! And Denam and Vyce besides! I am glad to see you well. DENAM: And you, Sir Mirdyn. Sir Gildas. CANOPUS: How is he? MIRDYN: The star seer remains lost in the mists of sleep. But he draws breath and is whole of body. CANOPUS: That is well, then. And Lanselot? Has he not returned? GILDAS: I've not seen him since the night of the Bakram attack. They held us at a camp outside Rhime, but we managed to escape. What is next for you? An assault on Phidoch, I suppose? DENAM: That's the plan. But first we must do something about the Bakram armies at Rhime. If our casualties there are too great, we'll never take Phidoch. CANOPUS: What we need is some way of taking Rhime unawares. What we have is a frontal assault across the Golborza Plain. Hardly an ideal strategem. VYCE: There is one way.... There are hidden passes through the Burnham Massif - ways known only to the goatherds and peasants who make the mountains their home. We can use these trails to approach Rhime from the west. It's the last thing they'll expect. The city will fall in the confusion. GILDAS: As it happens, we have a score of our own to settle. Room in your party for two more? [The men nod in agreement.] GILDAS: Let's be about it, then! |
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