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Pirate's Graveyard - Crystal Halls [In pursuit of valuable treasure, Denam traverses the cavernous depths.] DENAM: There's no end to the creatures in here. It's going to be tough. [Monsters appear at his backside.] DENAM: Speak of the devil... [In an instant the monster falls as a familiar face strikes it down with one blow.] DENAM: Azelstan!? AZELSTAN: You're headed into the graveyard deeps, aren't you? Best clear a path first. DENAM: Why have you come? AZELSTAN: Enough time for flapping lips later. We've got bigger fish to fry. DENAM: What made you change your mind? AZELSTAN: I said later. Keep your eyes on the enemy. Let your gaze wander, and your life will be a short one. [They defeat the foes.] AZELSTAN: ...I know what I'm about now. Finally. I'm a pirate. Don't know any other way of living. Stealing, killing - it's what I do. There was never any other way for me. Boy. Take me with you. I'll fight if it means this war will end sooner. You said that's what you wanted, and I've a mind to believe you. You want someone killed, I'll kill them. Soldiers, women...anyone. If it'll end this war a moment sooner, I'll do it without batting an eye. My life's yours, boy. Use it well. DENAM: If that's your decision. AZELSTAN: You might have taken the high road, risen above the bloodshed. But I'm already in it up to my boots. I'll say one thing though. I hate the war that took my daughter. I want it done. That enough for you? [Choice 1 - More than enough.] DENAM: Then let us end this war together. AZELSTAN: Good choice. [Choice 2 - I can't ask you to join us.] MISSING Pirate's Graveyard - Ripples of Grief [Denam and Azelstan rest after vanquishing another group of undead.] DENAM: I can't believe this goes even deeper. AZELSTAN: The flow of the streams has changed since last I was here...but it shouldn't pose a problem. Well, boy. What'll it be? Press onward? It won't be easy going. If you think you've seen foul things so far, there's more and worse ahead. I doubt you'll be finding that pirate's treasure, either. Time to stop and think about what you're really trying to accomplish here. Think well. DENAM: We've come this far - it's not about the treasure. We'll continue. Besides...you're still hiding something. Pirate's Graveyard - On Holy Ground [Denam and Azelstan arrive at the depths.] DENAM: This as deep as it goes? AZELSTAN: Ah. The welcoming party's arrived. RACKHAM: Who defiles our sacred ground... DENAM: I feel a draft from up ahead. There's something beyond here, isn't there. AZELSTAN: Might be. RACKHAM: Leave.... Leave here at once. [The ghost transforms into a ghostly pirate.] RACKHAM: Leave...or we will take your lives as penalty for your trespass. DENAM: Azelstan.... It's you! AZELSTAN: It's a trick. Not very clever, though. This is one face that won't come back to haunt me. [They defeat the ghostly foe.] RACKHAM: Pain.... Endless pain to those who defile the sacred ground... AZELSTAN: Don't worry. I'll lead you true. DENAM: ...Azelstan? AZELSTAN: Come with me, boy. I'll show you what a ghost thinks is worth protecting. [They venture beyond the caves to a grassy clearing, where weapons litter the ground around an open treasure chest.] DENAM: What is this place? AZELSTAN: This is their sacred ground. Well, more of a dead end than anything. You see the chest of coines there. Take it. Better than going home empty-handed. [Choice 1 - This is the treasure?] DENAM: This is the treasure we've been searching for? AZELSTAN: Not as much as you were imagining, is it? Truth be told, this chest is more a grave marker than anything. DENAM: Like a gravestone? AZELSTAN: Aye. This here's the place where the souls of pirates who die at sea come to rest. No one mourns them, so they wander until they find their way here. The pirate's graveyard, this. DENAM: And the swords stuck into the ground around it? AZELSTAN: Left here by pirates...as proof they lived. A pirate's life is no glorious affair, and neither's his death. A few manage to come ashore, take a wife, raise a family...but most don't live half so wise. After your first captain and your last crew are gone, there's no one left to remember you. That's why they leave their swords. A nameless grave beats just nameless. If you can't leave your mark any other way, you leave it here. DENAM: Thus, a sacred ground...and a treasure worth protecting. AZELSTAN: Or a desolate cliff strewn about with junk, depending on how you look at it. Heh. DENAM: Is that why you came? To pay your respects? AZELSTAN: Ha! You think my heart beats as warm as that? DENAM: I have a hard time thinking you came all this way just to reveal the true nature of this treasure. AZELSTAN: Aye. There was a time...when I lost sight for what was ahead. When my daughter died. I couldn't take the battle, so I came here. Maybe I was eager to join the ones who left these swords. The currents around here are treacherous things. Take your eyes off the sea for a moment, and she'll drag you down. DENAM: ... AZELSTAN: From the moment I entered the cave, I didn't pause to rest or to think. I just kept walking deeper and deeper. I know what this place was as soon as I stepped foot out here. I stood here a while...then went back the same way I'd come in. DENAM: You just turned around? AZELSTAN: I did. this here's a place for those who went the full distance. I left my ship that day. Why? Because I had nothing more to do with it, that's why. I wasn't about to sail headlong into death like the ones here...or start a new life, either. Dread pirate? I was a coward who couldn't put his daughter's death behind him. DENAM: ... AZELSTAN: But there is something that needs doing. Thanks for reminding me of that. DENAM: Thank you for your help. AZELSTAN: Sorry there's not more for you to take home than this pile of coin. With luck, some of 'em will be old enough to have taken on a bit of value. [Choice 1 - I can't take this.] DENAM: This coin's not for anyone to use. Least of all for war. I'll let it rest. AZELSTAN: Well. I wasn't expecting that from you. DENAM: Let's return. We're not meant to be here. We've things yet to do. [They leave] [Choice 2 - However little, it will help.] MISSING [Choice 2 - I cannot take this.] MISSING |
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勝利條件: 打倒敵軍首領 |
敵軍所屬: ガルガスタン王國 |
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